How Do You Communicate an Event Partnership?
Jun 17, 2024

How Do You Communicate an Event Partnership?

Read to discover some ideas that make for an engaging press release about an event partnership.

What Is Brand Equity and How Do You Measure It?
Sep 11, 2023

What Is Brand Equity and How Do You Measure It?

As a brand owner, PR professional or marketer, you've likely heard the term "brand equity" before. But what exactly does it mean? While you may not be able to define it off the bat, chances are you know more about brand equity than you realize.

In Their Own Words: Journalists on the PR Pitches That Really Got Their Attention (For Better or Worse)
Sep 10, 2023

In Their Own Words: Journalists on the PR Pitches That Really Got Their Attention (For Better or Worse)

With PR professionals outnumbering journalists five to one by some estimates, there is a lot of competition for journalists’ attention. And as journalists struggle to keep up with the demands of their jobs amid declining resources, according to the 2023 State of the Media Report, they have even less time to review pitches or engage with PR professionals. So what can PR and communications professionals do to not only get the attention of journalists, but make that crucial first step to building a long-term, mutually beneficial relationship?

Journalists’ Advice to Future Journalists (And What PR Can Learn, Too)
Sep 07, 2023

Journalists’ Advice to Future Journalists (And What PR Can Learn, Too)

Cision’s Global State of the Media Report is now in its 14th year, and for 2023, we wanted to make a few changes to our survey to learn more about what’s on the mind of today’s journalists. Alongside queries designed to collect quantitative data, we posed qualitative questions to shed light on trends reporters are seeing. In one such request: We asked journalists to finish the following statement: “The next generation of journalists need to be…”

How to Start Using AI for PR and Communications Today
Sep 04, 2023

How to Start Using AI for PR and Communications Today

For those in the PR and communications industry, the messages you create through the images and words you choose are critical. So when it comes to AI, you're probably asking yourself questions like "How should I be using it?" and "Can it help me to work smarter, faster and more effectively?"

Data-Driven Strategies and Inspiring Stories for a Successful Campaign – Key takeaways from the Comms Connect Event in Vietnam
Aug 31, 2023

Data-Driven Strategies and Inspiring Stories for a Successful Campaign – Key takeaways from the Comms Connect Event in Vietnam

Vietnam, an emerging country with a fast-developing economy, thrives on its youthful and dynamic labor force. As its economy expands, the demand for effective PR and communications strategies to help businesses and organizations connect with their target audiences has also grown.

The Complete Guide to Brand Mentions
Aug 15, 2023

The Complete Guide to Brand Mentions

The meaning of brand mentions is also evolving along with the digital transformation. So, let’s talk about what brand mentions are, why they’re important and why you need to take a deeper dive into what they really mean in order to stand out in the overcrowded digital landscape.

How PR Newswire helped Vinamilk expand its brand footprint in mainland China?
Aug 03, 2023

How PR Newswire helped Vinamilk expand its brand footprint in mainland China?

While Vinamilk is a well-known dairy brand in Vietnam. It had a nascent brand presence in mainland China. The company needed to localize its communications efforts in order to establish its reputation as a brand that produces high-quality and nutritious dairy products.

From Media Monitoring to Developing Impactful Content - Key takeaways from the Comms Connect Event in Indonesia
Jul 31, 2023

From Media Monitoring to Developing Impactful Content - Key takeaways from the Comms Connect Event in Indonesia

After a three-year hiatus due to COVID-pandemic, Cision PR Newswire held our very first event in Indonesia in the post-pandemic era. Comms Connect Indonesia graced Jakarta on 12th July 2023, which was met with much enthusiasm by an impressive turnout! Read on to find out the highlights.

Frequently Asked Questions About PR Measurement
Jul 28, 2023

Frequently Asked Questions About PR Measurement

Measurement is critical in today’s media landscape. Combing through the data of your campaigns can help quickly identify the elements and messaging that worked, those that didn’t, and help develop more effective strategies for the future. PR measurement can also help prove and justify investment, something that’s even more important now that, according to the recent Global Comms Report, 47% of comms leaders now report directly to the CEO. But where do you begin if you’re new to all things measurement? Cision’s recent Measurement 101 webinar, led by Insight Directors Camille Rollason and Alex Alsworth, provided an introductory look at best practices and how to make sense of audiences and data.

What Is Media Monitoring?
Jul 13, 2023

What Is Media Monitoring?

Knowing what people think and feel about your brand is invaluable, and media monitoring can help do just that. Media monitoring enables strategic communications and marketing teams stay informed about what people say about their company, products, services or competitors and respond to that feedback more effectively. In a way, it allows you to be the proverbial fly on the wall.

Communication Lessons from Nobel Laureate Maria Ressa
Jul 11, 2023

Communication Lessons from Nobel Laureate Maria Ressa

“We create the world we want,” said Maria Ressa, the Filipino-American founder and CEO of the news website Rappler, upon accepting the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize for championing freedom of expression and speaking truth to power. The consummate communicator, Ressa spoke with clarity, sincerity and humility about how her own life experience fuels her mission to advocate for democratic values in her career.

The Communicator's Funnel
Jul 05, 2023

The Communicator's Funnel

The Communicator's Funnel is a framework that helps PR pros prove the value of their work with real data. This guide outlines how to organize your communications goals to benefit the entire sales funnel, evaluate PR's contribution to the bottom line, and use data to guide your PR strategy.

You Know More About AI in Comms Than You May Think
Jul 05, 2023

You Know More About AI in Comms Than You May Think

Artificial Intelligence (AI) might seem like an exciting new technology in 2023 thanks to the emergence of generative tools like ChatGPT, but in truth we’ve been living with it for some time. Once a product of science fiction writers and Hollywood epics – think the near-future Los Angeles in Her or Tony Stark's computer J.A.R.V.I.S. from the Marvel films – AI is firmly and productively a part of our everyday lives.

Creating impactful content requires data, insight, and experience - Key takeaways from the Comms Connect Event in Singapore
Jul 05, 2023

Creating impactful content requires data, insight, and experience - Key takeaways from the Comms Connect Event in Singapore

Comms Connect provides an opportunity for strategic communicators to mingle and connect (of course). But most importantly, it seeks to share the wisdom of experts on how one can make, monitor and measure impact effectively in the communications industry, something which our speakers had so graciously contributed for the event.

Harnessing the Power of AI for PR and Strategic Communications
Jul 04, 2023

Harnessing the Power of AI for PR and Strategic Communications

While the rapid evolution of artificial intelligence (AI) technology has many people needing more certainty about its implications for the future, we at Cision know PR and comms professionals can work with AI to craft more satisfying outputs, better understand consumers and empower their teams.

How PR Newswire helped Bank Rakyat Indonesia global brand awareness and increase the number of overseas buyers?
Jun 29, 2023

How PR Newswire helped Bank Rakyat Indonesia global brand awareness and increase the number of overseas buyers?

In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic forced Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) , a state-owned bank in Indonesia to pivot its annual BRI UMKM EXPO[RT] BRILIANPRENEUR event to a hybrid format for the first time. However, the BRI team needed help to promote the event to its target audience globally to gain global brand awareness and increase the number of overseas buyers. Find out how PR Newswire crafted a multichannel communications plan to promote the event globally.

ESG Communication Trend Report
Jun 26, 2023

ESG Communication Trend Report

Industry interest in ESG has steadily risen over the last few years, with the daily news agenda often being underpinned by ESG stories and headlines. But how has the ESG conversation evolved post-pandemic? Cision’s ESG Communications Trends report delves into the changing face of ESG expectations and what communicators need to know about where the debate currently sits.

Are APAC communicators maximizing the potential of earned media?
Jun 14, 2023

Are APAC communicators maximizing the potential of earned media?

As a consumer, how many times have you bought something after seeing an advert (paid media) vs reading a glowing review from trusted media (earned media)? Most probably, often enough, and rightfully so, we buy into earned media over paid media as earned media is the most effective form of communication.

Generative AI: Where Will It Take Us 10 Years From Now?
Jun 06, 2023

Generative AI: Where Will It Take Us 10 Years From Now?

The future of AI is full of potential, and while it may challenge some traditional notions of work and creativity, embracing and adapting to these technological advancements will be essential for thriving now and in the years to come.

Editor’s Pick: April's Focus - Good ESG Stories about Earth Day
May 31, 2023

Editor’s Pick: April's Focus - Good ESG Stories about Earth Day

Trending for April on PR Newswire was the Earth Day-themed press release topic. This year’s theme for Earth Day is “Invest In Our Planet”, which is a great topic and talking point for ESG communications.

[On-demand Webinar] AI and the Future of Comms Teams
May 28, 2023

[On-demand Webinar] AI and the Future of Comms Teams

Artificial Intelligence has been shaping how we work for some time, but the emergence of ChatGPT and generative AI in 2023 has cast a spotlight on creative industries, and the world of comms. Though we’ve seen plenty of fearmongering and dystopian predictions, if harnessed correctly AI has the power to help communicators do their jobs event better, marrying technology with human guidance to maintain the all-important ‘Relationship’ in PR. But how will the future comms team be transformed by AI? This webinar will seek to answer that question, bringing in key insights from across Cision for a lively discussion on where AI is taking comms teams.

2023 Global State of the Media Report
May 22, 2023

2023 Global State of the Media Report

We surveyed more than 3,000 journalists worldwide to learn what's new and what's next for today's media landscape. Find out more today.

Cision's 2022 Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Report
May 15, 2023

Cision's 2022 Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Report

At Cision, we are committed to creating a diverse, high-performing, and collaborative organization. Our annual DEI Report is an opportunity for us to transparently share with you our global diversity story through strategy, data, the voices of our people, and the actions we’ve taken.

The Rise of Generative AI and What It Means for the Communications Industry
May 10, 2023

The Rise of Generative AI and What It Means for the Communications Industry

ChatGPT has thrown artificial intelligence into the spotlight in 2023. We examine the promise and potential challenges of generative AI for PR and comms professionals.